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Another 5 star from Bink

This book took ahold of your heart strings and didn't let go. I felt every emotion I could have had between being pissed at Big and hoping his manly parts would fall off, to laughing at Binks club sisters and there interaction with her, to crying my darn eyes out when Big and Bink have this emotional scene that I won't tell you about cause I don't want to ruin it for you, but trust me its touching in the only way Big can have a touching moment with her (would the pun go Big or go home be too much lol). So the bottom line here is that Bink and her amazing story is simply that amazing and the third version is worth buying and devoring like the first two. We can't wait to see what she does with Bigs book and until it comes out will be rereading all the MC Chronicles: Diary of Bink Cummings books we have.

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